Gateway 57

  • Gateway 57 1
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Roanoke, Texas
Hillwood Development Company
310,000 square foot building; 17.1 acres
The Alliance Gateway development is intended for large-scale distribution, manufacturing, and industrial users and is located minutes from DFW and Perot Field Fort Worth Alliance airports with access to major highways including I-35W and SH 114. Peloton Land Solutions, a Westwood company provided survey, entitlement, and site civil design for Gateway 57, a 310,000-square-foot industrial/warehouse building located on 17.1 acres within the development. The building is served by a truck court with 52 dock doors and includes 170+ car and 60+ truck parking spaces. In addition to the site design elements, our team also designed paving improvements to existing Freedom Drive (60-foot right-of-way with 40-foot-wide concrete roadway section); stormwater infrastructure; 1,500 linear feet of 16-inch water main; and approximately 2,700 linear feet of off-site 8-inch sanitary sewer. Our H&H engineers performed a detention analysis that integrated an existing detention pond nearby with truck court detention for Gateway 57, as well as anticipated truck court detention for two future buildings to the north.
GAIN GROUND: The stormwater management solution for this project involved the use of the truck courts for a significant portion of the detention volume. This approach reduced stormdrain pipe sizes and dedicated detention area, maximizing space for other/future uses and saving construction costs. We also used an alternative pavement type, allowed by City code, to provide safe, all-weather rear driveway access with significant cost savings.