City of Hudson Oaks Comprehensive Plan

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City of Hudson Oaks, Texas
2440 (in 2021)
The Hudson Oaks 2022 Comprehensive Plan provides future growth management to this fast-growing city located on the western side of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. It provides a vision for the community’s future, policies to outline everyday decisions, a guide for new development and redevelopment, and specific steps to achieve the vision.
Through collaborative public engagement surveys and events, the planning team collected information on demographics, levels of satisfaction, and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). The feedback was analyzed and applied to components within the Plan such as future land use, housing, mobility and transportation, parks and recreation, and economic development. Throughout the planning process, the feedback consistently reflected that it is an important component of the envisioned future of Hudson Oaks that the city be unique and competitive.
A Strategic Plan was created which includes a Vision Framework identifying issues needing improvement, community passions, and ways to fuel the city’s economic engine. Strategies and actionable items were developed to allow the city to achieve its newly defined vision with respect to:
Economic and Fiscal The city’s revenue is significantly reliant on sales tax; diversifying the tax base can make the city more resilient in times of economic decline or instability.
Design A Design System was developed to guide future development through land use and placemaking (character framework/areas, parks and gathering areas, vibrancy) and mobility/connectivity (land use integration, mobility framework, streets and pathways design). Defining a character framework with unique character areas ensures that development is consistent with the existing character and supports the preferences of the community.
Utilities Community members ranked “water, sewer, drainage and internet” as top funding priorities. This led to a new policy to review the GIS database to prioritize maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of aging infrastructure.
Services and Facilities Existing services within Hudson Oaks include Parks and Facilities, Planning and Development, Police, Public Works, etc. With expectations, wants, and needs increasing faster than revenues and staffing, non-traditional or creative revenue strategies will need to be deployed for continued resident and business satisfaction.
As Hudson Oaks continues to experience significant growth, the community has taken notice and is excited about the future. Our planning team created the Comprehensive Plan as a guide for staff to properly manage the growth through design and infrastructure improvements