LEED Gold® Atmos Energy – Site & Landscape Architecture Design

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Haslet, Texas
Atmos Energy
8.3 acres
The Atmos Energy site, located on 8.3 acres in the Westport Industrial Park, contains office and warehouse buildings totaling 14,473 square feet, driveways, parking, and a concrete screening wall with gates.
Our landscape architects provided site improvements, designed to meet the LEED certification goal for water efficiency, including a rainwater tank to reduce metered water irrigation and the establishment of native/adaptive plantings that are drought tolerant with low water needs such as Buffalo grass and Shumard Oak, Live Oak, Desert Willow, and Texas Redbud trees. This effort contributed to the project achieving the LEED Gold® certification by the USGBC in the new construction category. At the client’s request, plant species were added to attract and support bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and other pollinators in the urban environment. A tree preservation plan was prepared as an important part of the landscape plan was adhering to the city’s tree mitigation policy for replacing removed, protected caliper inches. In this effort, Peloton Land Solutions, a Westwood company was able to preserve almost 100 trees ranging in size from 6-inch to 27-inch caliper.
Our team designed and graded the required berms for screening along Westport Parkway and provided shade and ornamental trees and shrubs along the screening wall and parking to help further shield the property.  Offsite grading was required to accommodate all site improvements which the planting plan addresses with re-establishment of turf to the limits of disturbance using a combination of Buffalo sod and seed. Onsite improvements have a permanent irrigation system which is 100% graywater, fed by the rainwater tank, and the remainder has a temporary system to establishment.
Peloton Land Solutions, a Westwood company worked with the local design review board, the client, and the city to meet aesthetic expectations and tie into the fabric of the surrounding development, while considering budget limitations. In addition, we provided zoning and platting for the site and our engineers designed paving, grading, sidewalk, parking, storm drain, water, and sewer.