Peloton recently celebrated the groundbreaking of the first phase of the Thunder Rock mixed-use project spearheaded by developer Centurion American Development Group. Located in Marble Falls, at the northwest corner of U.S. Hwy 281 and SH 71, Peloton’s Austin office is playing a crucial role in the development of the 1,100-acre project.
Peloton engineers and planners provided entitlement services, created the master concept plan which includes a 26-acre city sportsplex, and designed master utilities (water, wastewater, and drainage) for the overall tract. “The city has long planned for a sports complex,” said Wade Morgan, P.E., Peloton Program Manager. “It’s exciting to be a part of the team to bring this facility to life and to design a community that will grow up around it.”
For Phase 1 of the development, Peloton provided civil engineering, surveying, and construction services for 259 single-family lots; 3,000 linear feet of offsite sanitary sewer; and 7,600 linear feet of offsite roadway and drainage facilities. At full build out, Thunder Rock will include almost 2,000 single-family lots; more than 900 multi-family units; 200,000 square feet of commercial development; and linear parks with native habitat and nature trails along Flatrock Creek.